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Saturday, May 28, 2005


The World Is Flat

The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman

This is one amazing book people are reading to find out more about today's economy and how things are going to be affected in future .....

"World is flat ..." this words were mentioned during an interview by Friedman with Infosys Nandan Nilekan during his topic of outsourcing .... which pushed friedman to write about the flat world ....

Few things to ponder:
1. What's there for US if world is flat?
2. What's there for countries like India and China if world is flat?
3. What's there for countries like Iraq, Egypt, S.American & others if world is flat?
4. Where do we go from here ...

My analysis:
Since we remember trade happened from day 1 between Adam and Eve to export and imports some kind of exchange of information, goods, feelings etc .... It is all about demand and supply as we understand ... till 21st century we always knew this world as round revolving mass of earth where logistically we used to move n trade and exchange and allowed supremacy to those who had a fleet of ships, flights and power to trade ....

Moving fwd with this flat world anybody can play their cards anytime and will be visible by others who can participate .. it is a free trade policy after affects ... Recent news China struck a deal with south American countries for 20yr export trade relation .. A remote place in India is processing few documents for some US clients for fraction of dollars is an example of flat world ...

How to make yourself visible and attractive is beyond your imagination and you have to constantly strive to be made visible with your skills and be able to trade efficiently ... Why is it all of a sudden it looks or made to feel that this is a big issue or the people in Washington and in Europe are talking serious about this ... Well look back in history it has always been the Europeans who traded far east and west, maybe they are losing ground coz of flat world as we don't need Vasco da Gama to explore newer continents or for that matter Christopher Columbus who discovered the great America or the other side of the coin who helped Europeans to snatch the land from red Indians ...

Now all it needs is a dial up line to connect to internet world (flat world) and be able to Push n Pull trades, it could be software projects, document scanning or medical examination of patients ... the world is changing, i think about it over and over again ...

Now onto questions which i posed earlier ...
1. What's there for US if world is flat?
--> Well US changed quite a lot last 100 yrs and upheld democracy with some internal gains for the country, it gave an opportunity to immigrants who shaped this world for better with tons of innovation in hi-tech worlds, however it has played a bad role in keeping the world safer.... Moving forward the foreign policies needs to be addressed, borders and visa regulations needs to be secured and accessible to immigrants for attracting the skilled labor. It has to reduce the cost of living compared to other countires so it can lessen the outsourcing model and try to educate and improve its own working staff at affordable prices..

2. What's there for countries like India and China if world is flat?
--> Developing or developed Countries like India and China will exploit all possibilities of finding newer revenue to earn their living and be able to feed the world's 1/4th population in this 2 countries, its skilled forces will dominenat the world with lower prices due to imbalance in trade export. While the flat world will exists, it is a reminder to India and China for keeping their cost lower else what happened to US and Europe in terms of outsourcing can also occur in this countires as other countries start competing providing same kind of services for still lesser like countires in south east asia like thailand, phillipiness, pakistan and south american countries like brazil, argentian etc..

3. What's there for countries like Iraq, Egypt, S.American & others if world is flat?
As i mentioned above such countries will gain momentum by following the trend of educating and keeping them well prepared to obtain a substantial piece of the cake they either could be sub contracted or exposed to follow on the guidelines of what India and China has been doing ... or they could be used as an alternative for lower prices...

4. Where do we go from here ...
Well the game as started now, sit back and relax (u cant relax in game when ur involved mentally, nail biting situations, frustrations exists :) based on certain activites such as 9/11 can impact the rules of the game and can affect the flat world to slow down or start the game all over ... let's watch till 2010 and forecast from their onwards ...

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