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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Any new trends from Google

If it is calm then you expect a storm from Google, just this week Google released 2 new killer apps (I would say) the Google Trends and Google Notebook, the much awaited features for web surfers like me ....

Google trends gives you an SEO like me to analyize the search engine traffic & keywords by region, country and cities, it is awesome coz now as a search engine marketer you can target those areas for those specific keywords as you have the trend....
(For fun, you can find out which country searches the most for the keyword "sex" and you will be surpirsed .... our neighboring country "pakistan" really? yes search for yourselves and see it in cities, my city tops ....)

Google notebook - you are surfing and surfing and visiting several different websites and trying to bookmark it.
I used to hate coz if my system crashes then all my favorites are gonna, i used to add all my links to favorites and gets stuck in same computers and can't access anywhere else but few months back Microsoft answered with its own web version of favorites and i started to use it coz i cld sync my desktop with all my links and access it anywhere on the web how cool is it ... Well cooler than that is Google Notebook coz now this feature allows me not only to bookmark but also add notes to it ... simple superb ... and I can access it anywhere and make notes of all sites I visit ...

I can smell something else cooking in the labs ...

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